
February 26, 2013

Congkak 2.0

Assalamua'laikum wbt..

Last saturday.. office eita organize aktiviti riadah kt sungai congkak.. they called it Congkak 2.0 sbb nie kali kedua diorg buat kt sana coz ramai staff yg request utk buat aktiviti nie sekali lg..

Masa 1st time tu.. eita sendiri pun tak dpt join sbb follow encik hubby pergi ke Ipoh.. so, this time mmg happening.. sbb crowd lg ramai dan makanan lebih banyak.. huhu

Ermm eita malas nak menaip panjang lebar.. sibuk sket dan asyik penat jer lately.. so, juz layan cerita bergambar jer laa ek.. ngeee

bbq time..

chicken wings..

i luv diz candid shot..

group photo..

peaceful scenery..

perang air 3 penjuru.. nampak tak? ekeke

encem kan encik boss aii? hikhik

p/s : we have big event this year.. and myself is one of the committee.. yada yada


Unknown said...

kak eita u look bam2 tau! hehehe...
tinggal bet4 je eh.. ada jwtn kosong? hahaha
sal nak apply.. kihkihkih

•♥• Mrs RR •♥• said...

yups i know sis.. penangan mkn ubat agaknya.. uwaaa

p/s : nie yg nk masuk swimming class nie.. hikhik! btw katanya nk ambil seorg lg OA.. tp blum confirm.. huhu