
July 9, 2009

Quantity Vs Quality

Tertarik dgn short phase kt bawah nie.. eita rs mmg ader kebenarannyer.. as a human being, kita hidup perlukn kawan.. but then, antara mereka hanya ader beberapa org saja yg bleh dijadikn teman & sahabat.. seseorg yg bleh bersama kita di waktu susah & senang..

"One friend in a lifetime is much; two are many; three are hardly possible"
- Henry Adams -

"As in many areas of life, less can be more in the friendship game. Although it’s nice to have a lot of friends, too many will complicate your life. Succumbing to the temptation to have as many friends as possible will hinder your overall happiness, since it depletes your time, energy, money, and creativity - resources that can be better utilized in getting whatever else you want out of life"

As for me.. eita nk 'keep' my frens yg ader quality.. xperlu ramai, as long as we have two way relationship.. klu asyik sehala jer, penat laa jwbnyer & sure akan jumpa jln buntu.. it' s better to have one friend of great value.. than to have many friends of little value.. sbb kualiti lebih baik drpd kuantiti.. till then!


Hazniza Zin said...

agree with u .. prefer Quality ;)

- susah kan nk dpt kawan yg susah senang bersama.susah senang ttp suppot kita.advice dan nasihat.bukan mencemuh dan meninggalkan kita bila kita buat salah atau masa kita susah. ;)

•♥• Mrs RR •♥• said...

yer laa iejat.. yg plg pnting.. hubungan 2 hala.. kita & dia sama2 ms senang + susah.. bkn sebaliknyer..

iejat.. eita ader problem nk leave comment kt ur blog.. sama mcm blog kwn eita nie.. ishh tension jer!

Adam A. said...

Dear Ms. Rita & Ms. Ieja,

I am interested with this topic. Well then, men & women are the same except for their genders (of course!), obsession & desires.

Who do not want pleasurable in their life? Everyone does. But when we plunge, only sentence of your friends willing to held u up and bestow your strength back.

It does not affair how quantity of friends you have may but how many friends that care you at most that's matter.

Sometimes even though you have 2 ways interactions still may sparks some conflagration. Indulgent and keenness are few virtues typeset that we find in true acquaintance.

Discern your mate then identify your confines.

Solitary my 2 cent outlook.


|L|e|o| said...

btol tu eita...zmn skrg ni ramai kwn yg dtg & pergi mcm tu kater kwn touch n go...kwn, kwn...hmmm...

•♥• Mrs RR •♥• said...

btul.. sbb tue laa eita wat posting tntg nie..

tngk iejat.. btul2 tgh down tue krn org yg close dgn dia lnsg x sokong dia..

xfhm kn? tp lumrah manusia mmg cenggitu.. uhuks